Our teeth grow, develop and change in time like other parts of our body. Our primary teeth, which are called as milk teeth by us, erupt in our mouths at young ages. These teeth fall out and then our permanent teeth termed “real teeth” by public, which we use for the rest of our lives, start to erupt. Even these teeth grow and develop in an order. For example, first our anterior teeth erupt and then our molar teeth... Finally our wisdom teeth that are located at the back erupt. Wisdom teeth, which usually erupt between the ages of 18 and 20, may erupt in later ages although this may vary from one person to another.

Many people may think that 20-year-old teeth are painful, infected teeth, which therefore must be extracted. 20-year-old teeth that are usually considered as a problem by public may not always cause a problem for a person. If a 20-year-old tooth does not cause an infection in your mouth or does not remain buried or does not squeeze your other teeth and does not disrupt your tooth order, then it is not necessary to extract that tooth. However, if a person has one or more of the problems specified above, it is necessary to consult a dentist for application of a treatment protocol in line with the requirements of this person.

As is the case with many dental health problems, problems regarding 20-year-old teeth that will cause trouble for us do not occur suddenly. They occur in time and we perceive the problems in the last stage, when they start to have a negative impact our daily life. Therefore, it is important to have regular dental examinations every 6 months. You can also follow the condition of your 20-year-old teeth by means of these dental examinations.

If your 20-year-old teeth do not affect your overall health negatively, it is not necessary to pull them since they also allow you to perform your chewing function more easily, but sometimes infections can be seen in 20-year-old teeth. In such a case, the infection must be eliminated by starting antibiotic treatment before extracting your 20-year-old tooth. Otherwise, the infection may spread to other teeth and spread in the mouth after the tooth extraction procedure.

20-year-old teeth are the teeth that play an important role in healthy development of jaw structure and alignment of teeth of a person, thus they should be specially evaluated.
